Zero Cost Processing to the Merchant​

Best Rate

Pay ZERO fees with our cash discount program

Fast Funding

Daily, weekly, monthly or manual payout schedule

24/7 Support

Unrivaled support via email, live chat & phone.

High Risk

We handle all business types including high risk.

Are you Still Paying to Get Paid?​

With recent law changes and the advancement of our proprietary software,
your business can accept credit cards at No Processing cost to the
merchant. Gochyp Introduces zero cost processing solution today!

100% legal

Chosen solution for over 50,000 restaurants and bars across the country

No hidden fees

One Gochyp fits all

Easy to start

All it takes a brief conversation with one of our professionals who will guide through the rest of the set up process.

Save from day one

With Gochyp, the days of hefty credit card fees and interchange charges are over. It’s like giving yourself a big raise

One Gochyp fits all

Gochyp accommodates all credit card types and mobile wallet systems such as ApplePay® and Android®

Supersmart technology

Terminals with EMV Chip Reader. Cloud-based receipt system. Easy integration with any POS.

Cash Discount​

The Gochyp Cash Discount Program is a way for you the merchant to offset your merchant service fees without increasing your sale price.

GoChyp Cash Discount Program

Any business that accepts credit cards can benefit from Gochyp

How It works?​

Cash is King

Even better, your customers are rewarded for paying in cash with a 3.99% discount!

A Bigger Gochyp

You, the business owner, get 100% of the sale!

Signs of the Times!

Point-of-purchase pricing and discount signage clearly spell out the process to customers

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